Thursday, September 30, 2010

Around the house

Just a peek around my parents house (a few things that I really like)...yeah I was bored today...

this is in my moms strawberry garden
the outside of their house has a bunch of vines all over it, which is like one of my most favorite things ever about houses
this is just a quarter of my moms spoon collection, she has three more cases like this one...
They have so many cool little antiques everywhere.
I'll have to share pics of my moms bathroom someday. They just finished remodeling it with a clawfood tub and one of those toilets with the tank way up high.
My dads bathroom is really cool too! It used to be our storage room and he completely remodeled it
My sister and I painted the bathroom door for him

Made by my brother and my dad
I couldn't get a good pic of the shower but it's made entirely out of copper and he used old glass doors for the shower door and we all collected rocks that he used to grout the shower floor
Happy Thursday!


Project #6: Last Day

I just made a wrist cuff today out of my bag of scraps. It was really fun. I want to make more. It seems like something that could be addicting... I got the idea  HERE, but didn't follow the tutorial at all...which is probably why her's looks so amazing compared to mine.

This was fun! I'm glad it's my last day though cause it's not hanging over my head all day. I guess I just like doing stuff on my own time, but I wouldn't have made all this stuff if I didn't make this week goal. Maybe I'll do it again sometime when I need more motivation :)


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Project update

I have been so terribly busy the past couple days and haven't got any time to take pics until now. Thankfully this is my last day of work for the week so I'll have a lot more time...even though tomorrow is my last day :p

I took a break on Sunday so I'm just doing a project tomorrow instead of today being my last day.

Project #4: Monday
I hope to start scrap booking more. This really got me in the mood!
Nothing better to scrap book for then a cute little baby!

Project #5:Tuesday
I made 6 of these and I think they are going to be the first item in my Etsy shop.

Today's project will be up later. I will TRY to find time!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I'm in love with this band today!

Project #3: Saturday

I love ruffle skirts. So I decided to make another one. I found this vintage material at a yard sale and have been saving it for something like this. Sorry about the bad pictures. I keep having to take them at night...lame.

We got to see little Shyla again today. She is the cutest little thing!
I love her little double chin! She just makes me so happy every time I see her! 

And I just got back from seeing The Summer Soundtrack

All in all... it was a pretty good day :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Project #2: Friday

It's late, but I got it done!
Yes another onesie... you can never have too many. My sister loves elephants, so i've been wanting to make this for Everett for a while. It was super easy and didn't take much time... It was a busy day alright? heehee. But even though it's simple, I still like the way it turned out :)
Day 2 down... 5 more to go!


My most recent family member

Shyla Rose Biocic
7lbs 3oz
19.5 in
Born at 8:06 am


Project #1: Thursday

I didn't get a chance to post this until today...great start to my week goal right? ughh...this might be harder then I thought. But I WILL finish it!

I made these pillows for my brother and sister-in-law out of the leftover fabric they had from their new curtains.

Aaaaaaaand...They had baby Shyla today!!!
I haven't been able to go see her yet, but I'm going to see her this afternoon. Pics up soon! I'm sure she's adorable. :)

I'll try my hardest to have my next project posted by tonight... Busy day!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

4 Simple Goals

A little late start on this...but I've decided to do these 4 simple goals before 2011 rolls around.

1. Start my Etsy shop I've got a couple items so far, but I have got to make some more stuff for it. Eventually I just want my own website, but until I have tons of cash to drop on it all I really have is Etsy and local events. Which is awesome, but I really want to do this full-time!
2. Take more time for my friends I love my friends so much! After loosing one of my best friends, and having another one move away... I've really noticed what my priority's are and what they need to be. I guess sometimes it takes something terrible to make something good.
3. Save up for a new camera My sister's been kind enough to let me use her new and amazing rebel. So I've been ok for now, but I know when we aren't living together anymore I will need to get my own eventually. After using one of those, nothing else (that I could afford) will compare. Plus my husband could get a ton of use out of it with his music projects. And it would probably motivate me to blog a lot more.
4. Make more stuff! In order to sell stuff, I have to have stuff to actually sell, besides just the little box full I have right now. I'm glad I have this blog to motivate me to do this. Hopefully I will start more goals from now on so that I will actually finish them. 
So to start this off...
This weeks goal: Starting today, I am going to make one thing every day this week and post it on here as each one is finished. By Thursday next week I will have 7 more items made. And now I kinda have to do this... so I'm going to get started!


Brazilian Embroidery

I finished my first Brazilian Embroidery project!

I only know a couple things right now but it's so much fun! and it's easier then I far anyway. I might be saying different later.

I've been looking for some cool ideas for Brazilian Embroidery (or Dimensional Embroidery) and here's all I've really found so far.

I found this on some Japanese lady's blog. She is amazing at this stuff! Isn't that cool?!

I love this :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Home Decor

Home decor makes me so excited. Even though we don't have our own place right now I am excited for when I can decorate my own house. I especially love anything weird and stuff that doesn't make any since. Here's some ideas I found that I kinda like...

I can already tell I am going to have trouble with my kitchen. I have a ton of ideas for it that I want to do.

Craft Room

This is the room I would most likely be spending all my extra time in so it would probably change a lot.

Some more random decor.

I love this bathroom! and the fork idea is so neat. It would be good to hold recipe cards in the kitchen or something.

For now we're living with our parents. Same with my sister and her husband. My mom jokes and says "They leave for a while and then they come back in multiples." Chase and I were going to be moving to Wisconsin cause he was going to do a full-time tour with a band so we put all our stuff in storage and it ended up not working out...nice! So we're debating on just getting another place here in GJ or moving to Denver or Austen...We're still debating. We have to save up a lot of money either way. So we're just saving for now. Plus it's kinda nice living with family and it's cool being able to see my new nephew everyday... minus the crying at night. Oh and my moms basement is just like a huge craft room. So it's fun. I really really want my own house, but i don't mind waiting a few years. I'm only 20 years old. I have plenty of time :)


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Baby Shyla's on the way

I guess I was bored today and I decided to get a couple more things made for my niece Shyla before she's born...which is very very soon!
I made another bib like the one I made Everett from the Home Ec class that I'm doing.

And another onesie. For forever now I've been wanting to make a onesie with the cute little ruffles on the butt. It didn't turn out as good as I wanted. But at least I know how to do them now.


Monday, September 6, 2010

First Quilt Ever

This quilt is definitely not very professional. I've never been taught how to quilt so I just kinda guessed. My Great Grandma painted these butterflies for every month of the year for a quilt for my aunt, but she passed away before she got to finish it. She finished one for my mom that was the same kind of thing, but with birds instead of butterflies. It is from 1980 so the florescent colors are pretty hilarious, but I'm glad that I was the one who was able to finish it for her. :)


This is my favorite butterfly, November.

and the fabric I used for the back...

Overall it was really fun! I'm excited to make more and get better, although I don't know how I could ever get as good as some of those crazy quilters out there. That would take so much time and patience...


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lazy Saturdays

Feeling so much better today! I am starting to take some Brazilian Embroidery lessons this week. It looks so difficult, but I am stoked! It's all so pretty :)

I hope I catch on quick. It looks like it takes alot of patience, something that I don't have much of. I love embroidery SOO much! and someday I want to sell it, so I figure it won't hurt to learn as much as I can about it.

I also  finished my first quilt yesterday!!! Yay! I'll post pics hopefully tomorrow. I'm having a very lazy Saturday. I went yard selling this morning with my mom and sister-in-law, took a nap, went to lunch with Chase, and I've been sitting on my computer and watching movies the rest of the day... I feel fat and lazy, but I think I should be allowed to get at least one lazy day each week...right?

I found this lovely lampshade tutorial today.

I have a tall antique lamp from my parents and I've been looking for the perfect shade for it and I may just have found it... and better yet, it's one I can make on my own! Find the tutorial HERE.
