Saturday, November 6, 2010

Holiday Craft Sales

Holidays are coming up and so are all the craft sales. There's not much to look forward to in my town as far as that goes, but it still might be fun...if I hit the right sale that is... I got TONS of helpful hints from THIS site. I'll for sure be using a lot of her tips! Especially her clothes line idea.
My first craft sale is in only 2 weeks. This is good. I'm finally getting motivated to come up with a real name and start getting this business (hopefully someday) going. I hope these sales will be good... I highly doubt it in this town. I'll just do my best and try to have a positive attitude. Being in this town could be bad for me because we don't have any young crafters, or it could be good cause nobody's really seen this stuff here and they could be like "ooo this is cool..." I want so bad to show younger people here that sewing isn't just for your Granny anymore. Haha!


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