Monday, August 27, 2012

Webb Reception

I do realize that it's Monday and not the week that I said this would be on but we took a last minute camping trip this weekend.

These are a few pics from the wedding celebration for my uncle Johnny and his new wife (my now aunt) Terri. They've been married for a while, but it was cool to be able to all get together and celebrate it :)

Also, The decorations were so amazing!!
(And my SIL makes the best cakes)


  1. 4 things: That cake looks amazing, Rachel and Jacob are ALWAYS holding hands!, those lights in the tree look awesome, and the background of the pic of Nesha is a little creepy

    1. I agree with all especially with the background of Nesha's picture LOL-cybiocic

  2. Fun fact. Touching creates the feeling of love. Touching your spouse at least 20 times a day keeps you in love, less stressed, and your emotions more balanced. ;) and I like all the pics. Love Rachel.
