Monday, October 10, 2011

Handmade With Love

Maybe it's a little early to start thinking of Christmas, but Chase and I have decided to do all homemade Christmas presents this year. I talked to my family and we are ALL needing to do some major money saving so we agreed to all exchange homemade presents this year and who knows maybe this could become a tradition... I couldn't be more excited, especially because my parents and siblings are all so stinkin' creative.
Homemade things are so much more personal and mean so much more to me.
Like my friend Kasandra told me today "I think it's showing who you are and what that person means to you through something you love to do! It means more to have something your friend created then to have something somebody else created."

It's going to be a good (and cheap) Christmas!

I have about 20 people on my gift list, which means I am going to have to start now if I'm going to get all these gifts done by December 25th. Now I just need to figure out what to make for each of the 20 different people... This might take some time.
